
Christian Mothers Day Poems

Christian Poems about Mother
By M.S.Lownd

We pray you’ll know God’s love
More abundant in your life
And know how much you’re valued
As a Mother and a wife
We want so much for you to know
We’ve appreciated you
And pray you’ll have a wonderful day
In all that you may do

Mother's Day Poem
Christian Verse
By Lachelle B. Ransom

Mothers are special people
God knew that from the start
That's why he created them in His own image and to them gave the biggest heart.
She's able to heal our hurts with only a kiss and hug
She's able to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner and is never slow as a slug.
Mothers are special people
God knew they'd always be
He created them to do so much that involves you and me.
She has to be a teacher to teach us what we need to know
She has to be a taxi driver to get us where we need to go.
Mothers are special people
God knew His work was complete
When He created someone that could do SOOO much on her own two feet.
She is a Christian on Him she depends
She displays the fruit of the Spirit and a helping hand she is willing to lend.
Mothers are special people
God tells me so each day
For if it weren't for Him I wouldn't be one today.

Christian poem By Winifred Sackville Stoner, Jr.

Of all the hours of day or night
Give me the twilight hour,
When little birds hide out of sight
And every sylvan bower
Is filled with their sweet good night song,
While darkness creeps apace
O'er all the bright blue sky along
And hides the sun's gold face.

That is the hour when Mother dear
Says, "Come, sweetheart," to me,
"And of the earth's great heroes hear
While sitting on my knee."
Upon her arm I rest my hand
And wondrous stories hear,
Until it's time to go to bed,
Tucked in by Mother dear.

Godmothers Aren't Fairies in a Tale
By Nicholas Gordon

Godmothers aren't fairies in a tale,
Offering a world that cannot be.
Demand of them glass slippers and they fail,
More likely to do favors naturally.
On them you can depend for a relation:
They offer gifts and guidance with a kiss.
Having taken on the obligation,
Each freely out of love gives what she is.
Real godmothers have no wands or wings,
So they must work with wisdom, love, and things.

Enjoy our christian love poems about mother page!

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