
Greetings From The Snow Globe

I had hoped to post this morning about the holidays, but that progam has been interrupted with the snow.  We are in the middle of a blizzard, the likes of which we don't see around here. This is supposed to continue for about 18 more hours. These pictures were taken about 3 hours ago and are already obsolete. We had 6-7 inches on the ground when they were taken and I know there is at least another 3 on top of that now. All in all they are predicting over a foot for us.
We are the peninsula between Norfolk, VA and Salisbury, Maryland and the entire storm system is predicted to steadily pass over us on it's way north. It is picking up moisture from the ocean and is acting as a nor'easter which means we will get hammered.

This is a shot this morning around 9am from my front porch window before I decided to venture out for some pictures. We have all been enjoying the scene from this venue and I think it is where I will stay for the rest of the day. I plan on using the time to read my Nikon manual and learn to use the new camera now that the holiday rush is over, for the next photo shoot , hopefully!

The view from my kitchen window, pardon the screen, of the back yard around the same time.

Crepe Myrtle berries and the church across the street.

Sedum gumdrops

Jasmine wrapped rain chains


Here's hoping everyone who is in the path of this storm stays safe and warm and keeps power!

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