
Attitude of Gratitude

On this Thanksgiving day and everyday, I count my blessings and try to practice an attitude of gratitude for all of the good in my life, of which there is so much.

On Sunday Nov. 14th I had a mini Thanksgiving dinner for my son Jesse before he left again for work in Norway as he won't be home for the holidays, a first for us. This Apple Pie that I baked for him shows a little of how I am feeling today, a little heartbroken that he is so far away from us as we will all gather together and share in this day. Our nephew and Godchild Danny is also not with us as he is still on ship, the USS Harry S Truman, in the gulf,  but should be home in time for Christmas.
To everyone out there in blogland and to all those of you who cannot be with family today,
Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless!

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