
New Latino Book Tours website

New Latino Book Tours website

Latino/a authors now have a dedicated website for all their promotional needs. Latino Book Tours, ( a service of BronzeWord Latino Authors has been launched.
Read testimonials from authors who have participated in Latino Book Tours.
Visit a page honoring all the blog hosts who have participated in Latino Book Tours from the beginning, only six months ago. The contact page is for you to inquire about ordering a book tour for yourself or as a gift for your favorite author.
Subscribe to the bi-monthly Latino Book Newsletter and receive alerts to the latest Latino/a authors, Latino/a books, and Latino Book Tour events.

                 “Championing the Diversity and Excellence of Latino Literature”

Special Promotional Offer from your friends at Latino Book Tours!!!

Save 25% on your Book Tours when you purchase a book tour for 2010 in December of 2009. Hurry! Offer expires December 31st.
Jo Ann Hernández, Founder
Nilki Benitez, Vice President, Media Director
Elianne Ramos, Vice President, Marketing
Lilibeth Ramos, Assistant
Melanie Foust, Assistant
Latino Book Tours by BronzeWord

  Become a Star of the Latino Virtual Book Tour

Imagine yourself and your book being featured on ten different blogs over two weeks (or fifteen blogs in three weeks.) You’ll have the opportunity to share your writing with a wide group of readers, reviewers, agents and publishers—and have fun doing it.
Two-Week Latino Virtual Book Tour - $150
Three-Week Latino Virtual Book Tour - $200
Prices going up in January. Latino Virtual Book Tour

Teen YA Book Tours

Two-Week Latino Virtual YA Book Tour by Teens who blog - $180
(A small number will be by teens of color)
We teach teens to organize and run book tours.. They interview the author and write a book review. All Blog Host are teens and we cultivate teens of color to join. Support teens learning life skills and employable proficiency by signing up your Young Adult book with them.

New Media Services

Book now for 2010 to lock in these prices!!!
Read more about these packages at Latino Book Tours Media Page
Audio Interviews: $75 for up to 15 min. interview
includes: Pre-interview discussion, interview questions in advance, Basic sound control and editing, MP3 file of interview.
$5 per additional minute of interview
$10 copy of interview on CD with cover art
$25 Extra editing (polishing interview, taking out “um”s and “ah”s and stutters)
*Authors are not always natural public speakers. We understand this and if you are completely dissatisfied with your performance in the interview, you can request a new interview for $50 only if requested at the time of initial recording before any editing has been done.
Transcription of Interview: $50 for 15 min. interview/ $5 each additional minute

Still Photography Book Teaser:
$75 for 1 minute teaser includes: 15 minute creatice consultation with author, still images, music, writing sample, contact information, one-time edit for author’s vision, file of teaser
Video Book Teaser: $100 for 1 minute teaser
includes: 15 minute creative consultation with author, video and still images, music, writing sample, contact information, one-time edit for author’s vision, file of video teaser
$25 each additional 15 minute creative consultation
$10 DVD of book teaser (video or still) with cover art
Contact us for Professional Voice Over pricing

How to Order a Book Tour
The author decides to initiate a book tour and decides what dates are convenient for them. The book tour spans over two or three weeks of weekdays. The author is expected to visit each blog each day to leave comments and engage in dialogue with the commenters and to answer questions.

The author is asked to send:
1. Author bio
2. Author pic
3. Book description
4. Book cover art
BronzeWord submits the author’s material to a list of blogger, and the bloggers decide whether they wish to host the author.
On "Happens" the entire tour and what is expected of the author is listed. Read the whole explanation here.

Become a Latino Virtual Book Tour Host

Basically this means once a month a Latino/a author will visit your site. You can ask them questions or have them write an article or do a book review and even giveaway a free book. Promote the visit and pass on the link afterwards. If the author or book isn’t in a genre of your choice, you don’t have to participate. There is no charge to be a Latino Virtual Book Tour host.
Learn more about Being a Blog Host at Latino Book Tours http://www.LatinoBookTours.comon the "Be a Blog Host" page.

Other Offers Available
Submitting Your Article
BronzeWord Latino Authors will submit your article and post the article with links back to you to 12 highly visible and popular sites on the internet and dozen more press release sites.
Blog Brag
Each Saturday on the BronzeWord Blog I feature a blog. Want yours to be the star of the week? All I need is an article of more than 500 words that tells us what your blog is all about. What motivated you to create this blog? What does your blog offer visitors? This service is free.
The Top Ten Days of (Your Name)
For ten weekdays BronzeWord Latino Authors will highlight interviews, book reviews, excerpts from your books, articles written by you and about you, or anything else that will be of interest to readers. The cost for Top Ten Days is $50.
Top Ten Days will be free during the holidays.

BronzeWord Latino Authors Blog BronzeWord Latino Book Tours
Teens YA Book Tours Jo Ann Hernández, Author
Twitter: @LatinoBookNews

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