
Homemade Play Dough Recipe

Check out Jolly Mom Crafts Ideas:

How To Make Your Own Play Dough
1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup salt
1 tblsp oil
1 tblsp cream of tartar
1/2 cup water

Essential oils for scented play dough (a few drops)

Bring the water to a boil. While the water is coming to a boil, place all of the other ingredients into your mixer's bowl. Slowly add the boiling water with your mixer on medium-low speed. You can turn the speed up to medium when all of the water is in the bowl. When the mixture balls up, it is done! Just take it out and knead the dough a little bit.

Substitute apple juice for the water and add a little cinnamon to the dry ingredients for "apple pie" play dough.Boil some blueberries in a little water and use the strained liquid (in place of some of the water) to dye your play dough. You can do this with carrots, spinach, and other fruits and veggies. You can also use spices like paprika to color your play dough.

**For organic play dough, just use organic flour rather than plain white flour and make sure that you use natural dyes.**

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